What Do Mangosteens Taste Like?

You’re greeted by segments of soft, white flesh when you break through a mangosteen’s thick, purple rind. This is what you’re meant to eat.

The taste? It’s a delightful blend of sweet and tangy, with a hint of creaminess that lingers on your palate. It’s like nothing else you’ve ever tasted, a true testament to the wonders of nature’s bounty.

Now, you might be wondering, “What does Mangosteen taste like?” Well, that’s exactly what we’re here to discuss. We’ll delve into the unique taste profile of this exotic fruit, and by the end of this article, you’ll have a good idea of what to expect when you try Mangosteen for the first time.

How Do Mangosteens Taste?

When you first taste a Mangosteen, you’ll notice a sweet flavor often compared to a combination of strawberry, peach, and vanilla ice cream. It’s a unique blend that’s both refreshing and satisfying. The texture is soft and juicy, adding to the overall sensory experience.

What Do Mangosteens Taste Like

Types Of Mangosteens

There are several types of Mangosteens, each with its own distinct flavor:

  • Purple Mangosteen: The most common type, it has a sweet and slightly tangy flavor.
  • Button Mangosteen: Smaller in size, it offers a more tart and acidic taste.
  • Lemon Drop Mangosteen: As the name suggests, it has a citrusy flavor that’s both sweet and sour.

Comparing Mangosteens With Other Fruits

Mangosteen has a unique taste, but it can be compared to a few other fruits:

  • Lychee: Both fruits have a sweet, tropical flavor, but Lychee is more floral.
  • Peach: Mangosteen and Peach share a similar sweetness, but Mangosteen has a more complex flavor profile.
  • Strawberry: Both fruits balance sweetness and acidity, but Mangosteen has a creamier texture.

Do Mangosteens Taste Good?

The taste of Mangosteen is generally well-liked due to its sweet and slightly tangy flavor. It’s a refreshing fruit that can be enjoyed on a hot summer day or as a dessert after a meal. However, the taste can vary depending on the ripeness of the fruit.

A perfectly ripe Mangosteen has a balance of sweetness and acidity, while an overripe one can taste slightly fermented.

On the other hand, if you’re not a fan of sweet fruits, Mangosteen might not be your cup of tea. Its sweetness is quite pronounced, and some people might find it too sugary. Also, a Mangosteen that’s not ripe enough can have a sour taste, which might not appeal to everyone.

Freezing Mangosteens can also affect their taste. While it doesn’t drastically change the flavor, a frozen Mangosteen might lose some of its juiciness and become a bit more fibrous. So, if you’re looking for the best taste experience, consuming them fresh is recommended.

What Does Mangosteen Look Like?

A Mangosteen is a small, round fruit about the size of a tangerine. It has a thick, dark purple rind that encases the soft, white flesh inside. The flesh is divided into segments like an orange, but the texture is much softer and creamier.

what mangosteens look like

When buying Mangosteens at the grocery store, look for fruits that have a vibrant purple color. The rind should be firm to the touch but not hard. If it’s too soft, the fruit might be overripe. Also, check for any blemishes or cracks on the skin, as these could indicate that the fruit is damaged.

Another thing to look out for is the small, green cap at the top of the fruit. It should be intact and not dried out.

This cap, also known as the calyx, can give you a clue about the number of segments inside the fruit. The number of points on the calyx usually corresponds to the number of segments inside. So, if you prefer more segments, pick a Mangosteen with more points on its calyx.

Do Mangosteens Have Seeds?

Indeed, Mangosteens do contain seeds. Each segment of the fruit’s soft, white flesh houses one or two seeds. These seeds are typically small, flat, and somewhat hard. They’re enveloped within the fruit’s flesh, often sticking to the bottom of the segment.

While the seeds are technically edible, they’re not usually consumed due to their taste and texture. The seeds have a bitter taste that starkly contrasts with the sweet and tangy flavor of the fruit’s flesh. They also have a harder texture that can be off-putting compared to the Mangosteen’s soft, juicy flesh.

When you’re enjoying a Mangosteen, eating around the seeds or spitting them out is common practice. However, if you do end up biting into a seed, don’t worry. They’re not harmful to consume in small quantities, but they might just surprise you with their bitter taste.

Interestingly, the number of seeds in a Mangosteen can vary. Some fruits have several seeds, while others have only one or two. The seeds are usually found in the larger segments of the fruit.

The smaller segments often don’t contain any seeds at all, making them a pure, unadulterated bite of Mangosteen goodness.

So, the next time you’re enjoying a Mangosteen, remember to watch out for the seeds. They’re a small part of the Mangosteen experience, but knowing about them can help you enjoy the fruit even more.

How To Make Mangosteens Taste Good

While Mangosteens are delicious on their own, there are a few things you can do to improve their flavor:

  • Ensure Freshness: A Mangosteen’s taste is best when fresh. Try to consume it as soon as possible after purchasing it.
  • Proper Storage: Store Mangosteens at room temperature if you plan to eat them within a few days. You can refrigerate them for longer storage, but be aware that this can alter the texture slightly.
  • Right Ripeness: A ripe Mangosteen has the best flavor. It should feel slightly soft when gently squeezed.
  • Serve Chilled: While not necessary, some people find that chilling Mangosteens before eating can enhance their refreshing quality.
  • Pair with Other Fruits: Mangosteen pairs well with other tropical fruits like pineapple, mango, and coconut. A fruit salad can be a great way to enjoy the unique flavor of Mangosteen.

How To Use Mangosteens In Recipes And Side Dishes

Mangosteens can be a delightful addition to various recipes and side dishes.


  • Mangosteen Smoothie: Blend Mangosteen flesh with a banana, coconut milk splash, and honey drizzle. It’s a refreshing and nutritious drink that’s perfect for a hot day. Remember to strain the mixture to remove any seeds before serving.
  • Mangosteen Sorbet: Puree the Mangosteen flesh and mix it with simple syrup. Freeze the mixture until it’s firm, then blend it again for a smooth and creamy sorbet. The sweet and tangy flavor of the Mangosteen makes this a delightful dessert.
  • Mangosteen Jam: Combine Mangosteen flesh, sugar, and lemon juice in a pot and simmer until it thickens. This jam is a great way to preserve the flavor of Mangosteen and can be used in various dishes like pancakes, toast or even as a filling for pastries.

Side Dishes

  • Mangosteen Salad: Toss Mangosteen segments with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and a light vinaigrette. The sweetness of the Mangosteen pairs well with the fresh vegetables, making this a refreshing side dish.
  • Mangosteen Salsa: Mix Mangosteen flesh with diced tomatoes, onions, cilantro, and lime juice. This tropical salsa is a great accompaniment to grilled fish or chicken.
  • Mangosteen Fruit Salad: Combine Mangosteen segments with other tropical fruits like pineapple, mango, and kiwi. Drizzle with a bit of honey and toss gently. This fruit salad is a colorful and tasty side dish that’s perfect for a summer barbecue.

Remember, when using Mangosteens in recipes, it’s best to use them fresh to fully capture their unique flavor. Also, be sure to remove the seeds before adding them to your dishes.

Mangosteen FAQs

How Do You Eat a Mangosteen?

To eat a Mangosteen, you first need to cut the thick rind around the middle of the fruit. Then, gently twist and pull the halves apart to reveal the soft, white segments inside. The segments can be easily removed and eaten, but remember to avoid the seeds as they have a bitter taste.

Can You Eat Mangosteen Skin?

No, the skin or rind of the Mangosteen is not typically eaten. It’s quite thick and has a bitter taste. The edible part of the Mangosteen is the soft, white flesh inside the fruit.

How Do You Know If a Mangosteen Is Ripe?

A ripe Mangosteen is vibrant purple and feels slightly soft when gently squeezed. The green cap at the top of the fruit should be intact and not dried out. Also, a ripe Mangosteen will have a sweet, fragrant smell.

My Tasty Thoughts

Mangosteen is a fruit that’s worth trying at least once in your life. Its unique blend of sweet and tangy flavors offers a refreshing change from the usual fruits you might be accustomed to.

The soft, creamy texture of the flesh adds to the overall sensory experience, making it a delightful treat. However, one thing to note is that Mangosteens are a tropical fruit and might not be readily available in all areas.

They’re also often more expensive than other fruits due to their exotic nature and the fact that they’re imported. So, while they’re worth trying, they probably aren’t a fruit you can incorporate into your daily diet.

About Justin Micheal

Hey, I’m Justin and the home cook behind Food Meets Flavor. I have a passion for cooking and making food delicious. So, I started this blog to help others understand what different types of food taste like and how to make everyday meals taste even better.