What Do Oxtails Taste Like? (Cows Tail)

Oxtail isn’t your everyday cut of meat. It’s the tail of a cow, and while it might not sound appetizing at first, it’s a cut that’s packed with flavor.

Understanding the taste of oxtail is not just about knowing that it’s delicious but understanding the depth and complexity of its flavor.

It’s about appreciating how the slow cooking process can turn a tough piece of tough meat into a tender, melt-in-your-mouth experience.

In this article, we’re going to explore this culinary delight in all its glory, from its rich flavor profile to the various ways it can be prepared.

How Do Ox Tails Taste?

The taste of oxtails is rich and meaty, offering a robust flavor that’s like beef but with a depth that’s all its own. The meat is tender and succulent, with a hint of sweetness from the bone marrow. The texture is melt-in-your-mouth soft when slow-cooked, and the aroma is enticingly hearty.

What Do Oxtails Taste Like

Diving deeper into the taste of oxtails, you’ll find that the meat itself is incredibly flavorful, thanks to the generous marbling and the bone marrow.

When you bite into a piece of slow-cooked oxtail, you’re met with a burst of rich, beefy flavor enhanced by the marrow’s gelatinous quality. It’s a comforting and indulgent taste, making oxtail one of my favorites.

The texture of oxtail is another aspect that sets it apart. The meat becomes incredibly tender when cooked properly, almost falling off the bone.

It’s a texture that’s perfect for hearty stews or soups, where the meat can simmer for hours and absorb all the flavors of the dish. The result is a piece of meat that’s soft, juicy, and packed with flavor.

hearty oxtail stew vegetables

The aroma of cooking oxtail is something that’s sure to make your mouth water. A rich, hearty smell fills your kitchen, hinting at the delicious meal to come.

The smell is often enhanced by the herbs and spices used in the cooking process, adding layers of complexity to the overall sensory experience.

Lastly, it’s important to note that the taste of oxtail can vary depending on how it’s prepared.

Different cooking methods will bring out different flavors in the meat. For example, braising the oxtail can enhance its natural sweetness, while stewing it with vegetables can create a more savory flavor profile.

What Does Oxtail Compare With?

  • Beef Short Ribs: Oxtails share a similar rich, beefy flavor with short ribs. Both cuts of meat are also known for their tender texture when slow-cooked.
  • Beef Shank: The beef shank, like the oxtail, has a robust flavor and a similar texture. Both cuts contain marrow bones that produce a rich, gelatinous mouthfeel when cooked.
  • Lamb Neck: Lamb neck and oxtail both have a strong, distinctive flavor. Both cuts benefit from slow cooking, resulting in tender, flavorful meat.
  • Pork Hocks: Pork hocks, when slow-cooked, yield a similar texture to oxtail. They both have a rich flavor, although pork hocks have a more pronounced pork taste.
  • Venison: In terms of flavor, some people find that oxtail has a slightly gamey note, similar to venison, although it’s less pronounced and more akin to beef.

Do Oxtails Taste Good?

Oxtails can taste incredibly good, but like any food, it depends on personal preference. If you’re a fan of rich, meaty flavors and enjoy the process of slow cooking, then oxtails are likely to be a hit in your kitchen.

However, there are a few things to consider.

  • Oxtails are a fatty cut of meat, and while this contributes to their flavor, it might not be to everyone’s liking.
  • If you prefer leaner cuts of meat, the richness of oxtails might be a bit overwhelming.

But don’t worry. Much of the fat can be skimmed off during the cooking process, leaving you with delicious meat and marrow.

Another aspect to consider is the cooking time. Oxtails are best when slow-cooked, which means they’re not a quick weeknight dinner option.

They require patience, but the reward is a dish that’s packed with flavor and a texture that’s comfortingly tender.

Lastly, the bone-to-meat ratio in oxtails is higher than in other cuts. This means you might be dealing with more bones than you’re used to.

But remember, these very bones (and the marrow within) give oxtails their distinctive taste and texture.

So, while it might be a bit more work, the flavor payoff is well worth it.

How To Make Oxtails Taste Good

  • Slow Cook: Oxtails are best when slow-cooked. This method allows the tough meat to become tender and the flavors to fully develop. Slow cooking is the way to go, whether you’re using a slow cooker, an oven, or a stovetop.
  • Season Well: Don’t be shy with your seasonings. Salt and pepper are a must, but also consider using herbs and spices that complement the rich flavor of the oxtail. Thyme, bay leaves, garlic, and onions are all great choices.
  • Braise or Stew: Braising or stewing oxtails can bring out their best flavors. These methods involve cooking the oxtails slowly in a small amount of liquid, which helps to tenderize the meat and create a flavorful sauce or gravy.
  • Use a Good Stock: If you’re making a soup or stew, using a good quality stock can make a big difference. A beef or vegetable stock can add depth and complexity to the dish.
  • Skim Off Excess Fat: While the fat in oxtails contributes to their flavor, too much can make the dish feel heavy. Skim off any excess fat during the cooking process to balance the richness of the meat.
  • Pair with Complementary Sides: Serve oxtails with sides that can complement their rich flavor. Mashed potatoes, rice, or crusty bread can soak up the delicious sauce, while steamed vegetables or a fresh salad can provide a refreshing contrast.

How To Eat Oxtails


delicious braised oxtails

Braising is another excellent method for preparing oxtails. This involves searing the oxtails first to develop a rich, caramelized crust and then slow-cooking them in a small amount of liquid.

The result is tender, flavorful meat and a rich sauce that’s perfect for drizzling over mashed potatoes or rice.

In a Stew

One of the most popular ways to enjoy oxtails is in a stew. The slow cooking method allows the flavors to meld together, creating a hearty and comforting dish.

You can add various vegetables, such as carrots, potatoes, and onions, and let everything simmer until the meat is tender, and the flavors are well-developed.

In Soup

oxtail soup

Oxtail soup is a classic dish in many cuisines. The oxtails are simmered for several hours with various herbs and spices, resulting in a rich and flavorful broth.

The meat becomes incredibly tender and can be easily pulled from the bones.

This soup is often served with noodles or dumplings for a complete meal.


While not as common, grilling is another way to prepare oxtails. The high heat can create a nice char on the outside while the inside remains tender and juicy. Marinating the oxtails before grilling is important to ensure they’re flavorful and moist.

Grilled oxtails can be served with a side of coleslaw or grilled vegetables.

Remember, no matter how you choose to prepare your oxtails, the key is to cook them slowly to allow the meat to become tender and the flavors to fully develop. Enjoy the process and the delicious results!

What Do Oxtails Look Like?

To keep it simple and avoid the technical terms of what the difference is between types of cattle, Oxtails are a cow’s tail.

Raw oxtails are a deep, rich red color, indicating their robust flavor. They’re made up of small vertebrae, each surrounded by a layer of meat and fat.

fresh cut oxtails

Each piece of oxtail is a cross-section of the tail, so you’ll see a round bone in the center, surrounded by meat. The bone contains marrow, which is a delicacy in many cuisines and contributes to the rich flavor of dishes cooked with oxtail.

The meat itself is marbled with fat, which melts during cooking, adding to the tenderness and flavor of the dish.

When cooked, oxtails take on a darker brown color. The meat becomes incredibly tender, often falling off the bone, and the marrow softens and can be easily scooped out with a spoon.

fried oxtails spanish stew

The fat renders down during cooking, creating a rich, flavorful sauce or gravy.

The texture of cooked oxtail is one of its most appealing features. It’s soft and succulent, with a melt-in-your-mouth quality that’s truly satisfying.

The bone, while not edible, adds to the dish’s visual appeal and is a reminder of the cut’s unique origin.

Different Types Of Oxtails

While oxtails generally refer to the tail of a cow, there can be some variation depending on the age and breed of the cow, and these can influence the taste and texture of the meat. Here are a few types to consider:

  • Young Beef Oxtails: These come from younger cows and tend to be smaller in size. The meat is often more tender and has a milder flavor than older cows.
  • Mature Beef Oxtails: These are from older cows and are larger with a more robust, beefy flavor. The meat can be a bit tough, but becomes very tender when slow-cooked.
  • Veal Oxtails: Veal is meat from young calves, and veal oxtails are prized for their delicate flavor and tender meat. They are smaller than beef oxtails and often more expensive.
  • Bison Oxtails: While not as common, bison oxtails are also available. Bison meat is leaner than beef and has a slightly sweeter, richer flavor. The oxtails share these characteristics.
  • Breed-Specific Oxtails: The breed of the cow can also influence the taste of the oxtail. For example, Wagyu and Angus breeds are known for their marbled meat, which can result in a richer flavor and more tender oxtail.

Oxtail FAQs

What is the best way to cook oxtail?

The best way to cook oxtail is to slow-cook it. This could be done by braising, stewing, or slow roasting. These methods allow the tough meat to become tender and the flavors to fully develop.

How long does it take to cook oxtail?

The cooking time for oxtail can vary depending on the cooking method, but generally, it requires a long, slow cooking process. For braising or stewing, it can take anywhere from 2 to 3 hours. If you’re using a slow cooker, it can take up to 8 hours on a low setting.

Can you overcook oxtail?

While it’s difficult to overcook oxtail due to its high collagen content, it is possible. If cooked for too long, the meat can become mushy, and the texture can be off-putting. However, as long as you keep the heat low and check the meat periodically, you should end up with tender, flavorful oxtail.

My Tasty Thoughts

One of my favorite things about oxtails is their versatility.

Whether you’re braising them for a hearty main dish, simmering them in a soup, or even grilling them for a summer barbecue, they always bring a depth of flavor that’s hard to beat.

And let’s not forget the bone marrow. It’s like a hidden treasure that adds an extra layer of deliciousness to any oxtail dish. If you’re new to cooking oxtails, I would advise embracing the process. Yes, it takes time, but the result is so worth it.

About Justin Micheal

Hey, I’m Justin and the home cook behind Food Meets Flavor. I have a passion for cooking and making food delicious. So, I started this blog to help others understand what different types of food taste like and how to make everyday meals taste even better.